
About Me

Adaptable and reliable person. Flexible mindset that enables me to effectively handle diverse situations and challenges. Always committed to the group's success.

Living in San Sebastián, Gipúzcoa. +6 months experience.



Education & Expericence

My Education

NVQ level 2 Microcomputer Systems and Networks

Xabier Zubiri Mateo | 2014 - 2016

Installation and configuration of software and networks, assembly and configuration of computers and peripherals, management of services and applications in network, logistics in microcomputer systems: installation and maintenance, diagnosis of problems in systems and networks, redesign and connection of local and external networks, data and application recovery in case of failures, and preparation of technical documentation, budgets, and customer advice.

Design and publication of web pages

Ceinpro | 2021

Design and develop functional web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or PHP, following usability standards. Implement them on the corresponding server after performing installation and verification procedures. Conduct thorough testing to ensure its proper functionality and optimization.

Development of Applications with Node and Express

Ceinpro | 2022

Advanced concepts of JavaScript, learning to install Node.js, configuring editors and utilities, using 'npm' as a package manager, understanding the package.json file, installing basic packages and Express, working with the Node.js event loop, using EventEmitter and modules, creating an MVC structure with Express, implementing routing with static and parameterized routes, creating REST APIs, applying middleware, managing sessions, connecting to databases, designing views and templates.

Fullstack Web Development Bootcamp

Hack a Boss | 2022-2023

HTML for structuring content, CSS for styling and making it responsive, JavaScript for programming functionalities, the DOM for interacting with the page structure, SQL databases for storing and querying information, Node.js and Express.js for creating servers and APIs, and ReactJS for designing dynamic and efficient interfaces. Layout, programming, element manipulation, database interaction, and web application development, with the goal of creating complete and optimized projects. Implementation of the pages on the appropriate server, thorough testing conduction, and optimizitation of their performance.

My Expericence

Fullstack Developer

Intelligent Biodata | 2022

I developed a comprehensive platform using Vue.js that covers employee time tracking, holiday administration, and assignment of project access permissions based on roles and responsibilities. Additionally, I implemented functions for project tracking and assignment, providing a clear view of their progress. I also included features for user administration and the creation of robust databases. Furthermore, I incorporated data analysis tools and generation of an intuitive chart to get visually representative information.


My Portfolio